Saturday, August 19, 2006

Sat Aug 19 night time update

Well no big news tonight, no problems, no changes. I guess that is good in a way. I just wish she would hurry up and get better! I hate not having her here at home. Its too quite without her vent going, I never noticed that it was all that noisy but the silence is killing me. I keep looking at her bed tonight expecting her to be over there sleeping but she isn't. Emma is such a big part of our lives that we all feel lost without her here. I can't even sleep good at night without her in the house, and I worry that she isn't getting better. I just wish we would see a big improvement very soon. All we can do is keep praying, and Emma has to do the rest. She is very strong so I know she will be fine. I am hoping with the uneventful and restful day that means her next xray will show improvements. I already told the nurse that she has to make sure tomorrow's nurse turns on the Nascar race for Emma to listen to. I will remind the nurse tomorrow if we don't get a chance to get up there and visit her. Dad set up rides through our insurance for Tue Wed and Thur so atleast I know those days are set for me to see her (or Dad to go). Thanks for the support all good night for now.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you need some encouragement now, Lori. Hang in there, kiddo. I know it's hard, but you know Emma will get through this, so you ned to try your best to get sleep and take care of yourself, so you can still be up to taking care of Derek and Ella. This too shall pass. Keep fightin', Emma, we're still praying for you, baby!

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