Thursday, August 17, 2006

Finally some good news

Finally some good news, not HUGE news but at this point any positive things are good. Emma's chest xray is looking better today, the left lung anyway. The nurse said her right lung is still not improving, which was a shock to me because I never even knew her right lung was sick, they just kept saying her left. So when I get up there I will have to see the xrays for myself. The 3 I saw from this weekend her right lung looked fine. Anyway lets not take away from the GOOD news. Horrah left lung!! They have her laying on her tummy today trying to get that stuff in her lungs to break up. Its a good thing they have her paralyzed because usually she doesnt like that tummy much. She must be doing a little better, because last Thur at Physical Therapy Amy and I couldnt get her to tolerate her tummy well. The nurse told me on the phone she still has a long way to go to get better. I guess even MORE setbacks are expected but atleast finally I have some happy news to share, be it small happy news. Thanks for your continued support everyone!!


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to hear that there is some improvement. I know that Emma is a fighter and that she is doing all that she can. Your family and Emma will continue to be in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

you're a fighter, emma. auntie cat

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