Monday, August 14, 2006

Monday Morning update

Well last night we called to check on Emma and they told us she had another one of those breathing episodes were even though she was breathing (the vent was breathing for her) her oxygen levels were much too low. Well now they think its a reaction to the antibiotic they gave her called Vancomycin. So they discontinued that and have started something new, I don't have the name of it yet. I asked yesterday if it could be the medicine that made her have the spell as she was also bright red all over like she had a terrible sunburn. They told me the red was from being excited, and that there was NO way she had never been given this drug before and that all the breathing problems were due entirely to her gunky lungs. I was not happy last night when they said it was the drug as you can imagine. So Daddy called this morning really early to check on her and she is doing much better on the new medicine and she is. Her x-ray showed signs of improvement! So lets just pray that she keeps getting well so she can hurry and come home.

I am taking brother school shopping today since school starts a week from tomorrow and then will see about going up there possibly later but Dad is working tonight so I might try to stay home one more night and be with Ella and Derek and return to the hospital during the day tomorrow. Not sure yet what the plans will be.


Anonymous said...

Love to Emma---Love Nanny and Poppy

Anonymous said...

I am praying for you, sweety! Hang in there, and keep on fightin'!!! Love from Illinois.

jenny said...

Hi I am new to this blog just found it em is beautiful that med they gave her for her phnemonea first venco I was suposed to have that pre surgery for a non cp related surgery and they refused to give it to me because I had a sunburn and have had recurrant bronchitis as the reactions to it are severe red skin and breathing issues hugs and i hope that no one messes up lik that again. I to have cp though not liek ems

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