Sunday, May 25, 2008

May 25, 2008

Emma is doing wonderfully. She is taking a nap so she will be ready to watch some Nascar with me later. :-) Tomorrow we are having a cook out for Memorial day and playing all kinds of fun stuff outside for the kids. We bought a horse shoe set, some sidewalk chalk, and water guns. I will have to help Emma with her horseshoes but I bet we can toss them together.

Last week Emma did something she has never done before. She went to walmart! Yep 3.5 years I managed to keep her out of walmart and finally broke down and took her. We used to keep her from big crowds due to fear of her getting sick but I am since made the choice to get her out some, and let her live life. What kind of life would she have if I kept her locked away for ever? Not that we were litearlly not taking her out at all, but we were probably more cautious then need be. That said, come flu and cold season she is NOT going out, I am willing to be that risky. She slept through most of walmart. Not very impressive for her. Since her Daddy works there now we got to show her and brother and sister off. Then we went to eat at Long John Silvers. Above are some pics from the day. The last one is her in bed, after I tucked her in. I gave her bozo hair. She didn't much care for that and yelled at me. Cute picture though.

Happy Memorial day everyone. Don't forget to remember those who lost their lives fighting for our freedom, and pray for those who are still fighting for us today.


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