Friday, February 26, 2010

As a dear friend pointed out, I should really update this blog! Sorry for the lack of writing but not much has been going on. Emma is doing the same as always...wonderful! She has just got over the little cold she has and is hoping that the snow that is falling today will melt really well so she can get pushed to church on Sunday. I think it will be fine to go on Sunday, most of the sidewalks are snow free. I will be so glad when winter is over.

Waiting on a call from one of Emma's doctors, wanted to get her in for some xrays. I have been noticing the curve in her spine she was getting is more curvy so I think its time to do something about it. Its very common for children in wheelchairs and who can't move around well to get scoliosis. We just want to make sure we keep it in check.

Here are a few recent photos of the girls and even one of me (in case my readers forgot what I look like)! None of Derek, he still runs when I pull the camera out or pop up the webcam. Also included is one of Emma's new doll. She got it for Christmas from Uncle Jay and Aunt Kim and I put a trach in its neck so it will look just like Emma, the dolls name is Ava.


Laura said...


Emma- I love your new doll, Ava. She looks jsut like you but missing a head full of curls! I bet you love to look at her and play with her.

Ella - You sure look nice and warm in your pretty pink winter coat.

Derek - I sure wish you would allow mom to take just one picture. You sound just like my daughter. I grab the camere and she starts making silly faces. I have more silly face pictures and ones with her tongue stuck out. Now don't get any ideas :)

Thanks for the update Lori. I sure hope you here back from the doctor soon about getting the X-ray done.

Love any many prayers.

Laura - Tinkerbells mommy

Laura said...


Sent the little gifts off this morning!

Emma - you are getting something a little green :)

Ella - You are getting something a little pink :)

Derek - Of course we did not forget you! You are getting something a little blue :)

Not sure how long they will take to arrive. I sent them the cheapest way. My guess is up to 2 weeks.

Love and prayers.

Laura - Tinkerbells mommy

 The Morris Family said...


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