Friday, July 24, 2009

Sorry I haven't updated in so long. Wonder how many blog posts I have started out with that sentence? HA HA. There just hasn't been much to talk about. Nothing much going on around here lately. Emma is doing awesome, and is enjoying the summer time. I can't believe summer is almost over already.

I think I forgot to blog on going to see the neurologist about a month ago. I didn't see it in my posts, so hopefully this isn't a repeat. If it is, sorry. We got a refill on the medicine she takes to help control seizures, which is Zonegran. We also got some distat which is a rectal medication that will help stop a long seizure if she were to have one, like the one she had a few months back and ended up in the ER. They weighted Emma, she is 31 lbs, so she has only put on one pound in the last year, which isn't a bad thing really, they still don't want her putting on too much weight at once since that makes it harder for her to breath. They said she looked great and we go back in 6 months.

Here are some of the newest pics of our family. Yes, my hair is brown currently, but coming out so I will be going blonde again soon. These were taken on July 15, which was mine and Darren's 14th wedding anniversary. The family one isn't great but Derek did not want his picture made and its hard to get everyone to sit still long enough.

Not much more to share about right now, but I promise to start blogging more soon. Bless you friends!


Laura said...

WHEW! I was getting worried with the lack of updates.

Saw the post a couple of days ago but did not have time to leave a message.

Love the new pictures.. we have been posting pictures on our site as well the past month.

Laura - Wall.e's mommy

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