Sunday, March 13, 2011


Very scary day on Friday, we had a grass fire directly across the street from us, the road is the only thing that kept it from coming into our yard. It was terribly smoky, I had to pack up all of Emma's gear quickly and get out, thankful my sister came to get me and we went to pick Ella and Derek up from school. Their school was not letting walkers leave. We are all ok, except Mom has a little sore throat from breathing the smoke. The entire state of Oklahoma seemed to burn yesterday, we were very lucky, many people lost their homes, and I pray for them.

Here is a pic of the Emma's Mimi took from our driveway. At the time of the picture the fire had been put out close to the black fence. It burned up to the black fence, and further out past the fence on the left hand side by the trees. The people in the picture are standing in our front yard. The picture does it now justice, and by the time this was snapped much of the smoke had cleared. I even had soot falling on me in my yard! They say someone threw a cigarette down!


Tinkerbells Mommy said...

Glad to hear all is OKAY!

I know how scary it is. Our home burn down a couple of years ago.

We know most things can be replaced. People never can be.

I have no idea why they do not ban cigs!

Paige said...

Glad everyone's ok!

Found your blog on Homer's mommy's Facebook page :-)

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