Acceptance is an Empowered movement that Educates others to Embrace diversity and Love life by seeing beyond abilities.
Friends, tell the world you embrace who you are; a person with social rights, who has an opinion, who has interests, who has goals and who loves life; a person who is empowered to make a difference in the world and not be without a voice in society. You are not living disabled, you are living.
To our supporters, join us in telling the world that you are accepting of people with disabilities. As our parents, siblings, relatives, spouses, children, lovers, coworkers, teachers, personal assistants, friends, and anyone else - you also have a role in our culture and life. And you can have an impact on the future if you demonstrate your acceptance to others.
Let's join together to:
Embrace diversity. Educate your community. Empower each other. Love life.
Embrace diversity. Educate your community. Empower each other. Love life.