Monday, December 10, 2012
Also quick prayer request. We are asking everyone to pray for our friend Tricia. She was on the list to get another pair of donated lungs do to her becoming ill and rejecting the ones she got a few years ago, she got sick and they had to take her off the list. Thur she goes back to the dr and they are praying they put her back on the list to get new lungs. Please join us in prayer that they place her on the list and that her wait isn't too long. You can learn more about her at :
Posted by LJR at 9:12 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Build a bear
The kids build a bears. I forgot to share the other day. Emma's is named Olivia Inez, its the black one with stars on it. She named her after her friend Livi that died in Aug from cancer. Ella's is the rainbow OU cheerleader one named Amy Junior for some reason. Derek's is camo bear with OU tshirt his name is Gregory. We had fun at the mall but my foot got sore. The day before I was in the ER and diagnosed with plantar fasciitis. Walking was not on my to do list, but we had to spend the day having fun. Cousin Elizabeth got Emma a bunch of new pretty earrings and Ella some legos. We ate Chick Fil A for lunch, and a big cookie from Mrs Fields for desert.
Posted by LJR at 9:14 AM 0 comments
Today they were on the Freedom 43 local news. I made a really bad copy using webcam pointing at the tv, they shared the above picture, the audio is the important part anyway. Thought I would share. that is the link to see it on youtube. *edit I just realized the new background has links in a really light color, just hover over the blank spot before "that is the link to see..." and it will kind of show up for you to click. Sorry need to do some editing in the template/code.
Posted by LJR at 9:02 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 08, 2012
Can you believe Emma and Ella will be 8 on the 16th? It just seems like yesterday they were tiny little furry monkey looking babies in the NICU.
Have a big week planned. Its fall break Wed-Fri. On Thur we are going to Build a Bear in Oklahoma City. We are taking Emma and Ella's cousin Elizabeth with us, she is 17 and is excited to make a bear too, I can't make fun of her though, I am 36 and can't wait! I am lucky I was able to do some surveys and things online and get $125 in gift cards FREE! Oh I love free stuff. Might also eat at the cheesecake factory so we can get some birthday cheesecake.
Then Friday if the rain holds out for an hour or so we are going to get flu shots. Emma always does great with flu shots. Actually all the kiddos do. Derek just got his tetanus booster and was so brave.
Halloween is coming soon, not sure what Emma is going to be, probably a princess. Its so hard to get her something, she can't do hats very well in her wheelchair or anything with wings on the costume. Ella wants to be a vampire, no idea what Derek wants to be. Something scary I am sure.
Today Derek and Ella had to wear coats to school, it was only 35 this morning. Derek needed a new coat and I didn't know it, so he had to borrow mine, but that is ok, its a man's coat anyway. Think we need to shop soon. Emma is all cozy and still asleep this morning, wrapped up in her dreamsicle blanket. Oh not sure I posted what that looks like she got it from a group called lovequilts. I am sharing a pic so you can see how beautiful it is. It reminds me of Shevaun, my dear friend who died of cancer when Emma and Ella were a few months old, she used to collect those angels. Ella is named after Shevaun so she is always trying to steal Emma's blankie LOL.
Posted by LJR at 8:15 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, September 04, 2012
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Update on Emma's friend
Posted by LJR at 3:31 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Posted by LJR at 4:56 PM 0 comments
I had Emma some pads made to go under her trachs, they prevent rubbing, dirty neck and help with small leaks. Yes you can use gauze but they aren't near as cute! I'll be buying mickey button pads soon, maybe in matching patterns but maybe something knew. They are washable and made with bamboo cotton, which I love. We got them from
Posted by LJR at 4:48 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
August 14th 2012
Summer's almost over school starts in 9 days. Emma will be home schooled again but Derek will go to 5th grade and Ella 2nd in public school. Emma had a pretty good summer, although as of late its been spent inside just way too hot and dry out for her! We went to Greensburg KS to see family in July it was a nice trip. I thought I had posted pictures but apparently I did not, so I have included a bunch in this post. We went to the Big Well (worlds largest hand dug well) Museum and Emma got to see a huge space rock! A 1,000 pound Pallasite Meteorite one of the pics includes her by that. Also included are pics from around town, and of the memorial to those who died in the Greeensburg tornado, which I wrote about in this very blog. May 2007 an EF5 wiped the town pretty much off the map. Most importantly regarding the trip, she got to spend time with her Great Grandpa Donald Richards, who is a great man, and she got to see her Grandpa and Granpa Richards too and meet her twin cousin's for the first time. It was a fun trip, but so glad we don't vacation often it took a lot of packing and doing to go!
Posted by LJR at 8:41 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
July 31, 2012

Posted by LJR at 4:30 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Friend has gone to Heaven..
Just got word that Emma's favorite nurse (and mine) DeLene has died. There are no words I could write to say how sad we are and how much of an awesome lady she was. Please pray for her family.
Posted by LJR at 12:16 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Emma and I are using this blog to urgently request prayers for our friend Tricia. She is facing rejection of her donated lungs. You can read more about her here at their blog (read the story at the top for background) The words I need , to express the urgency of prayer we are asking for, they escape me at the moment, so I just ask please read their blog, prayer hard and ask God to heal her!
Posted by LJR at 1:47 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 02, 2012
I haven't been updating as much as I should. Especially since Emma was in the hospital in April for treatment of what we thought were seizures but turned out they were spasms. It was just easier to update at facebook and make calls. I get burned out sometimes on updates I think. She was put on a new medication, which seems to have helped some. Other than that minor hiccup she is doing great. Enjoying the summer.
Hoping to take a trip to KS to visit family this summer. It will be Emma's first vacation. Ella's too I guess since they are twins ha ha. July 4th is the plan if all goes ok. Having family drive to get us since we still do not own a car, hoping to one day get a wheelchair van so we dont have to get Emma in and out of her wheelchair and pull her vent and other machines off of it. Riding the bus in town is easy since she can stay in her chair like that. Just had to get her a new car seat for the trip. its pink and its sweet. She is still so tiny. 7 years old and 28 lbs and only 36 inches tall. Her not standing and walking just keeps her little I guess. Still wearing a size 6 infant shoe and its big on her! My little bitty bumblebee.
So I will try as always to update as much as I can, I know I always promise that. But this time, I mean it. I promise *crosses fingers behind her back* LOL
Posted by LJR at 9:03 PM 1 comments
Friday, January 27, 2012
More family pics to share, except Darren and Derek since they tend to run when the camera comes out. All taken last night at Ella's daisy scout investiture. Cousin Elizabeth is also in the pics.
Posted by LJR at 12:28 PM 0 comments
7 years ago today....
Seven years have passed since Emma first coded on us and died. God brought her back to us, and not a day goes by that I don't thank him for that. That night I witnessed a miracle, and I haven't stopped witnessing it since. Every day she is with us is a miracle, every day I can cuddle with her is a blessing.
That night 7 years ago I prayed for his help, for him to protect Emma. I sought the Lord, and he answered me, and delivered me from all my fears. (Psalm 34:4) THANK YOU GOD!
P.S. The above pic was taken of Emma and me last night at Ella's girl scout ceremony.
Posted by LJR at 9:18 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
I have just realized that I set an email with this blog and listed it on the bottom for contacts, I totally forgot I had it, so if you emailed me and I didn't get back to you promptly I am sorry. I am trying to answer things now and will make sure to continue to check our mail on a daily basis. You can write us at We love questions and comments, and don't forget you can comment here as well. I plan on updating the blog a lot more, its just been a dry spell where thankfully everything has been doing wonderfully at our house. No updates usually means no exciting medical news which is ALWAYS a good thing.
Posted by LJR at 7:49 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Something I found online and wanted to share....
Posted by LJR at 9:22 PM 0 comments